Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do you perdict my babys eye color will be?

i have green eyes which were blue when i was born. my moms eyes are the same color as mine. my dads eye color is a light brown . my husbands eyes are blue just like his moms and his dads eyes are brownWhat do you perdict my babys eye color will be?
Honestly you will not know until your child is at least 2. Here is my reason why... Books and sites will tell you that the eye color should change around 6 to 8 months and will be the permanent color however, my older sisters eyes were blue until she was 2 then they went brown, My eyes were blue of course like all Caucasian babies when born then turned to green, my mom was so happy that i had her eye color but when i hit 2 they changed to hazel green. My nephew (older sister with brown eyes son) has green eyes , light skin and freckles just like out mother(his grandma) and his dads eyes are also Dark brown. My mother and all of her siblings have blue and green eyes, my dad has brown and all 4 of my mothers ended up brown-ish. my sons (8.5months old) eyes are still blue, both i and his fathers eyes are hazel, my uncle has blue eyes and my bfs dad has blue eyes but I'm doubting that they will stay blue. You really don't know , looks like they could be green, blue or brown...:) im just waiting to see how his eyes and nose turn out!What do you perdict my babys eye color will be?
Brown is dominant, but it depends on a lot of factors. Blue is a serious possibility as is green because they've carried through the family so long, and the browns aren't necessarily the same. My mom's family all has brown eyes and my dad and his dad had blue, but I wound up getting my paternal grandmother's green, so it's really chance.
There is no way to tell. All babies when born have blue eyes. Just some may be darker then others. Its when they get older that they turn a specific colour. My eyes are green and my husbands are brown. We have 2 boys. My oldest has brown eyes like his dad but my youngest has bright blue eyes! So I think you will just have to wait and see.
Blue will be the dominate eye color in the family, however with your family history, you have a 2 in 4 chance of having brown.
Brown in dominant, but if both recessive genes are present then you will get the recessive trait. Your baby's eye color will most likely be green. Green tends to be more dominant than blue.
Our son had the exact same odds (except swap your green eyes for my hubby's blue eyes) and our son has bright blue. Brown is technically dominant but your baby could still have your color.
I have blue eyes too its just genetics typically the dominant gene rules but not in your case or mine. My mom has hazel eyes and my dad brown.
probabaly brown, because it's the dominant color.

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