Thursday, December 10, 2009

At what age does a baby's eye color change?

My son is 3 months and still has the same dark blue eyes as he did at birth. Will they change or stay the same? At what age do they usually start to change? My sisters son is 13 days older then my son and his have already changed.At what age does a baby's eye color change?
My pediatrician told me that if they haven't changed by the time he is 6 months, that is the color they will remain.At what age does a baby's eye color change?
The pediatrician told us the 6 month rule. So when my son's eyes turned from the baby-blue to green at around five months, we assumed he'd be green eyed (like me).

I've also heard that most brown-eyed people are born with brown.

But oddly enough, when my son was about 18-20 months, his eyes started turning brown, and they show more brown than green now.
At 6 months what ever color they are thats what they will stay . I was a little sad to hear that . Im half white and half black and my partner has green eyes . I always wanted my kids to have colored eyes and tan skin . My son started off with blue and then green and then by 6 months they went brown . He now has the most beautiful big brown eyes .
Hi - a babies eye color can change up to the 6 month mark. BUT I would be inclined to think if your 3 month olds' has not changed yet, then it probably won't. My baby is almost 4 months and his eyes are blue and I don't foresee them changing color. Also, 'they' say if your baby is lighter complected then their eyes will be blue .. darker complected then their eyes will be brown. HTH. All the best .. :)
If they haven't changed by now, it's likely they will stay. My husband and I have brown eyes and my baby had bluish-grey eyes at birth. Everyone insisted her eyes would change and, so far, they haven't (she's almost 6 months). They're a little more green now though.
I, have heard that when you are 2 yrs. old that is the color of eyes you will have for the rest of your life.
usually they start to change at 6 weeks, but my sons eyes never changed. they actually just got blue-er.

no sign of them changing.

he has beautiful blue eyes just like his daddy
I believe they can change up to a year
my daughter's eye color changed at about 5 months... she was born with greenish eyes, then they changed into grayish blue.. and now they are brown.

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